Contoh Proposal Pelatihan Wawasan Wiyata Mandala Berbahasa Inggris

11 June 2013

Contoh Proposal Pelatihan Wawasan Wiyata Mandala Berbahasa Inggris

A.           Introduction
The word Wawasan or insight is the view, vision, review, or human responses, perspective, how to look or how to perceptive senses. Wiyata  word means education or teaching. The word Mandala  means circle, district or regional environment. Thus, Wawasan Wiyata Mandala means a view, vision, review or feedback on the educational environment , or perspective how to see, how to review, or how to respond to educators in general and specifically the school community about the existance of the school as the implementor of education providers in the community. Wawasan Wiyata Mandala  as the way for the students to know their school deeply, so that the educators know the education process in their schools effectively and efficiently, and it can help to achieve national education goals. Based on the definition of Wawasan Wiyata Mandala, we think that there must be important to hold Wawasan Wiyata Mandala Training for the crew of OSIS and MPK State Vocational School 1 Purwodadi.

B.            The Basic Operation
The basic operations are as follows:
1.      The work program of OSIS of State Vocational School 1 Purwodadi.
2.      The Constitution and bylaws of OSIS of State Vocational School 1 Purwodadi.
3.      The result of OSIS meeting in State Vocational School 1 Purwodadi.

C.           The Objectives of the Activity
The objectives of Wawasan Wiyata Mandala Training are as follows:
1.      To train the environment stewardship.
2.      To develop the values of science, skills, and insight in achieving national education goals.
3.      To prepare the materials for FOS (Future Orientation of Students) activity.

D.           The Target of the Activity
The targets of Wawasan Wiyata Mandala Training are the OSIS and MPK of State Vocational School 1 Purwodadi.

E.            Motto
The motto in Wawasan Wiyata Mandala Training is “Preserve the Environment for the Future”

F.            The Name of Activity
The name of the activity is Wawasan Wiyata Mandala Training of State Vocational School 1 Purwodadi in 2013”.

G.           The Theme of Activity
The theme of this activity isMaintaining the Environmental Education Image through Wawasan Wiyata Mandala Training”.

H.           The Form of Activities
The activities in Wawasan Wiyata Mandala Training are as follows:
1.      Presentation of materials
2.      Discussions
3.      Independent and group assignments.
4.      Games
5.      Social events

I.              The Organizer of the Activity
Wawasan Wiyata Mandala Training is organized by the OSIS of State Vocational School 1 Purwodadi. As for the its implementasion, by the committee (OSIS of State Vocational School 1 Purwodadi ). As for the arrangement of the committee as attached. (the 1st attachment ).

J.             Time and Place of Activity
Wawasan Wiyata Mandala Training will be held on:
Day        : Saturday – Sunday
Date       : 18th – 19th of May 2013
Time       : 13.00 PM – finished
Place      : State Vocational School 1 Purwodadi

K.           The Participants
The participants of Wawasan Wiyata Mandala Training are as follows:
OSIS                  : 18 people
MPK                  : 48 people
Patrons               : 3 people 
Amount               : 69 people

L.            The Organizer
As for the arrangement of the committee as attached. (the 1st attachment)

M.          The Schedule of Events
The schedule as attached. (the 2nd attachment)

N.           The Presenters of the Events
The list of presenters as attached. (the 3rd attachment)
O.           The Budget Planning
The Budget Planning as attached. (the 4th attachment)

P.            Closing
At the end of our report, we want to politely request for the Principal of State Vocational School 1 Purwodadi to open the Wawasan Wiyata Mandala Training Program. Thank you for your kind attention.

Purwodadi, 18th of May 2013


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