October 2012

1 October 2012


Persiapan buat acara Kemah Bakti nih....

Nih Ketua Panitianya lagi gladi bersih..hihihi

ini nih pesertanya lagi pada dateng....

Mas Ibnu lagi ngurusin daftar ulang...ckakakak

MC lagi persiapan...huhahuhah

peserta udah pada hadir nih....

dag dig dug..petugas penyematan lagi persiapan

upacara pembukaan dimulai nih..

Laporan Ketua Panitia...hhehe

Penyematan tanda peserta...

dilanjutin materi dari pembina....

habis itu istirahat, sholat & makaaann...nyam nyam...

trus dilanjutin materi bentar ... :D

eh ternyata petugas api unggun lagi pada gladi bersih yak...

habis materi dilanjutin aip unggun..peserta sudah siap dan !!!

api kita sudah menyala....horeeee!!!

amanat pembina upacara..siap grak !!! :o

pembacaan do'a..ssttt


habis pensi panitia briefing bentar yea....ayo ayo kumpul...abis itu tidur ZZzzz...

keesokan harinya kita olahraga....yeeeyy

abis capek olahraga enaknya sarapan nih...jiahahah

sesuai rencana, habis itu kita persiapan menuju ke Panti Asuhan & Taman Makam Pahlawan

inilah suasana di Panti Asuhan Aisyiah Putri...

nah kalo ini yang di Panti Asuhan Aisyiah Putra...

sedangkan yang ini suasana bakti sosial & pembacaan do'a di Taman Makam Pahlawan...

sesudah itu balik ke sekolah lagi buat persiapan upacara penutupan...hehehe

setelah upacara penutupan selesai, ayo kita bersih bersih ruangan...cemungut eak!!! :v kwkwkw

finally, ngerujak bareng bareng ^_^ hehehe seru loohh....

hahaha itu diantaranya kegiatan kami saat Kemah Bakti dan Bakti Sosial tahun 2012 SMK Negeri 1 Purwodadi yang dilaksanakan tanggal 29-30 September dan merupakan gabungan program kerja dari 3 sie. di OSIS. yaitu saya sendiri (Yudit), rekan saya Nanang dan Anissa. Dan Alhamdulillah acara dapat berjalan lancar tanpa halangan apapun.

Contoh Laporan Ketua Panitia Kemah Bakti berbahasa Inggris


A.   Introduction
Education is our responbility, starts from family, society and government. The third component can’t be separated especially on the understanding & their concerns to education’s problem. If one of this component has no concern for education, we can be sure that development may be have obstacles.
            Vocational High School State 1 Purwodadi as an educational institution feel partially responsible for the development of the nation. One of the activities to bring students and gives them an experience of social life is through social devotion that followed by all organization and extracurricular of Vocational High School State 1 Purwodadi.

       B.  Basic of Organizing
1.      Work program of Student Council Vocational High School State 1 Purwodadi
2.      Charter and bulaw of Student Council Vocational High School State 1 Purwodadi
3.      Result from meeting of vice organization at 6th Agustus 2012

  C.  Purpose
       With this activity hope the students can improve their sense of solidarity  and concern to others.
       The purpose of Devotion Camp and Social Devotion are :
       1.    Train and provide an understanding of the participants about the life of society
       2.    Raising gathering between Vocational High School State 1 Purwodadi and  society
       3.    With society participate active role in development

   D.   The name of the activity

   E.    Theme of activity
       “With Devotion Camp and Social Devotion we improve our concern to others”

   F.    Organizer
          The activity is organizing by Vocational High School State 1 Purwodadi. As for implementation by the committee (Student Council of Vocational High School State 1 Purwodadi). As for the system of the committee as attached.

  G.    Time and Place of the activity
         Day/Date       : Saturday-Sunday / 29th – 30th of September 2012
         Time              : 14.45 – end
         Place             : Vocational High School State 1 Purwodadi

  H.   Participants
        1. The Elder member                                      (3 people)
        2. OSIS                                                           (18 people)
        3. PRAMUKA                                               (12 people)
        4. ROHIS                                                       (12 people)
        5. PMR                                                           (11 people)
        6. MPK                                                           (24 people)
        7. Extracurricular                                            (20 people)
        TOTAL                                                                        (100 people)
The name of the participants of Devotion Camp and Social Devotion Vocational High School 1 State Purwodadi 2012 as attached.

I.     Activity’s Schedule
       Activity’s Schedule as attached.

J.     Budget
       Estimated plan income and outcome fund as attached.

K.    Closing
       That way our report, then we request Principal with pleasure to open this event. For attention and cooperation, we say thank you.

                                                                                           Purwodadi, 29th of September 2012

Leader of Committee                                                          Secretary

Yudit Arum Mekarsari                                                        Ibnu Syafa’at
NIS. 6252                                                                            NIS. 5871


Principal                                                                             Vice Principal of Student Area

Drs. Murmanto, MM                                                           Sudono, S. Pd
NIP. 19530219 197703 1 003                                             NIP. 19631122 198902 1 004